
Salsa Fiesta Latina 28/09/2024
Turbinezaal - De Centrale
Click here for more info!

Salsabar@Gentse Feesten 2024.
Start 19 juli T/M 28 juli.
Gratis workshops/Show/Big Party.
Click here for more info!
More events in our group on facebook:
I Love Salsa Belgium:

Push the F5 key to refresh the last update info: 11/07/2024.
Salsabar - Gentse Feesten 2024.
Start de vrijdag 19 juli tot en met 28 juli.
10 dagen gratis dansinitiaties, demo/Show en party.
Adres: Baudelopark, 9000 Gent - België.
The full-Program on facebook:
Click the picture or click here for more info!
All Rights Reserved - Copy Right!
Questions? info@ilovesalsa.be
LACC.VZW in samenwerking met Trefpunt Festival.VZW,
dansscholen, artiesten van Gent en rondom.
Welcome all - Allen van harte welkom - Bienvenidos!
Like and join us on facebook: I Love Salsa Be (New Page).

Questions? info@ilovesalsa.be

Send us your :
- Promo music
- Promo videoclip
- Promo dance show, etc


Gentse Feesten 2024.
Start friday july 19th until sunday 28th
Click the website for more info:

Antilliaanse Feesten.
Hoogstraten - BE
Click the website for more info:

Les Gouts de Gand Festival 2024.
18 Mei 2024
Gent - Belgium
More info soon!

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Copy Right © 2003 - 2024 Latin Cultural Center - Belgium.
All rights reserved!
Contact: Info@ilovesalsa.be